
I think my manager overeacted

I lowkey dislike my job because I work as a receptionist/selling tickets and I am very visible to the public and to the office staff who work there. The job itself is many roles fit into one and that's a way for the company to save money as well. I usually work an 8 hours shift with just a half an hour break, it honestly feels like I can't hack it anymore sometimes because of the sheer amount of requests I get, having to manage expectations between the public and different departments. On top of that we are short staffed meaning that I have to come in to cover alot of the shift. I don't always feel supported by my managers because they are in the office with a huge workload too. I'm getting annoyed at even simple requests from my manager. The other day he asked me to check…

I lowkey dislike my job because I work as a receptionist/selling tickets and I am very visible to the public and to the office staff who work there.
The job itself is many roles fit into one and that's a way for the company to save money as well.
I usually work an 8 hours shift with just a half an hour break, it honestly feels like I can't hack it anymore sometimes because of the sheer amount of requests I get, having to manage expectations between the public and different departments. On top of that we are short staffed meaning that I have to come in to cover alot of the shift. I don't always feel supported by my managers because they are in the office with a huge workload too.

I'm getting annoyed at even simple requests from my manager.
The other day he asked me to check through our inbox to see whether people who rent out our space have signed up to our loyalty scheme and email them to prompt about signing up. We have emailed multiple times already and have not heard back. So I did tell him that I don't think they care about this scheme, he challenged me as to why I think this and I simply said its because we have emailed them a few times and not heard back so I just assume they are not interested.
He said that I should still go ahead and email them. I wasn't keen on doing this because I didn't want to come across like we're pestering them, but I still sent the email anyway but this took some time to write up because I have to deal with any immediate requests in my day to day role.

Later that day he kept coming to the front desk to try and get me to ask any tenants that I see in real life to sign up aswell. I really didn't wish to do this because that feels way outside my remit to chase people over something they can decide in their own time. I said I will do it but didn't actually do this in the end. He was hanging around where I work and decided to ask people himself, and there was one lady that said she'll have a think about and left.

I feel it was a simple misunderstanding but also he might have overreacted by doing what he did.
I also didn't see him the next day at all even though he was on site. Now i'm wondering if it was me that overreacted?

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