
I thought Christianity was dying out in America??? WE ARE GASLIT AND MANIPULATED BY THIS COUNTRY

This is about to be some handmaids tale shit. It definitely have some similar themes. And again, DO NOT GO TO WORK MONDAY. WAKE UP PPL. I know you’re scared because you have bills but that’s what they want. They want you to be terrified to not go to work and too tired to do anything. We are fucking slaves being lied to every day. Crash the fucking economy on their asses. We need to do more than protest. It’s never stopped things from leading up to the horror we live in now. Fuck the virtue signaling. Get up. Violence is the only option. Tear this whole establishment apart.

This is about to be some handmaids tale shit. It definitely have some similar themes.

And again, DO NOT GO TO WORK MONDAY. WAKE UP PPL. I know you’re scared because you have bills but that’s what they want. They want you to be terrified to not go to work and too tired to do anything. We are fucking slaves being lied to every day. Crash the fucking economy on their asses.
We need to do more than protest. It’s never stopped things from leading up to the horror we live in now.

Fuck the virtue signaling.
Get up.
Violence is the only option. Tear this whole establishment apart.

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