
I thought we were trading haircut suggestions…

About 15 years ago I worked for Healthcare Services Group in Florida. They're a subcontractor that works in nursing homes running the day-to-day housekeeping operations, Etc. I was a housekeeping manager and after a couple years of breaking my back for the company with little to show for it (the norm for most of their employees) I guess I'd just run out of Fks to give when it came to dealing with upper management. Anyhow, I'm at work one day doing my job plus the job of someone who called out (basically a normal day), hustling down a hallway with a double armful of supplies when I passed my district manager, Dale G., giving a tour to one of the big-wig VPs of the company. I nodded in greeting as I passed so as to not interrupt their conversation when Dale (who I should pause to point out suffered from…

About 15 years ago I worked for Healthcare Services Group in Florida. They're a subcontractor that works in nursing homes running the day-to-day housekeeping operations, Etc. I was a housekeeping manager and after a couple years of breaking my back for the company with little to show for it (the norm for most of their employees) I guess I'd just run out of Fks to give when it came to dealing with upper management.

Anyhow, I'm at work one day doing my job plus the job of someone who called out (basically a normal day), hustling down a hallway with a double armful of supplies when I passed my district manager, Dale G., giving a tour to one of the big-wig VPs of the company. I nodded in greeting as I passed so as to not interrupt their conversation when Dale (who I should pause to point out suffered from male pattern baldness) called after me, “Hey, have you thought about a haircut?” Without breaking my stride I looked back over my shoulder and replied, “No, but have you thought about Hair Club for Men?” He was too shocked to manage a response, but I could hear the VP laughing hysterically as I rounded the corner and all the way down the next hallway.

The next time I saw my boss he had shaved his head completely bald, so naturally I greeted him by saying, “What's up, Mr. Clean?!”

I can't be sure, but I don't think he liked me after that.

*Originally posted to r/MaliciousCompliance but it was suggested I should share it here.

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