
I told my coworker she quit her own job

I'm not sure how much I should divulge as this is still unfolding. My coworker had to call in sick for a few days due to a medical issue. Our boss told everyone she quit. I called to check on her. She didn't even know she had “quit” until I asked what happened. She was completely caught off guard as she had planned on being into work on her next scheduled shift as this was the plan when she last spoke to him. The boss is dodging her calls now and he has asked everyone to cease communication until HR can handle the situation. Her job has been posted already too.

I'm not sure how much I should divulge as this is still unfolding. My coworker had to call in sick for a few days due to a medical issue. Our boss told everyone she quit. I called to check on her. She didn't even know she had “quit” until I asked what happened. She was completely caught off guard as she had planned on being into work on her next scheduled shift as this was the plan when she last spoke to him. The boss is dodging her calls now and he has asked everyone to cease communication until HR can handle the situation. Her job has been posted already too.

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