
I told my director I would quit full time if they didn’t correct my pay

This was a few years back and before I got my RN degree. I worked at a hospital (still do) as a dispatcher for inpatient transport. Basically we would take patients to and from testing sites to their room and stuff. My job was to monitor all the incoming requests, make sure transports weren't taking to long, and expediting requests when needed. If it was busy I would go.out and move patients nusy like everyone else. That was the entirety of my job description. Now I did extra stuff that helped create our budget for transport and our housekeeping department (we are put together under one director). I went full time 1yr into working there and then got dispatch position a few months later which paid slightly more money. Our base pay increased as the health system increased everyone for cost of living. Another year or so goes by and…

This was a few years back and before I got my RN degree.

I worked at a hospital (still do) as a dispatcher for inpatient transport. Basically we would take patients to and from testing sites to their room and stuff. My job was to monitor all the incoming requests, make sure transports weren't taking to long, and expediting requests when needed. If it was busy I would go.out and move patients nusy like everyone else. That was the entirety of my job description. Now I did extra stuff that helped create our budget for transport and our housekeeping department (we are put together under one director).

I went full time 1yr into working there and then got dispatch position a few months later which paid slightly more money. Our base pay increased as the health system increased everyone for cost of living. Another year or so goes by and I'm talking to another coworker who is a full time transporter but 2 days a week does dispatch because obviously we are not gonna work 7 days a week. They started 1 month after I was hired but went full time a year after I did. I found out they made 1 penny less than I did as a transporter. Meaning if they became a ft dispatcher they would make more than me. I was pissed.

So I went to my boss and they told me they couldn't do anything. So I went to my director who told me basically because they became ft with 2yrs under them they got a higher starting pay. HR calculates our pay so it's not the directors fault. I told them to fix it and it's not fair. I already do extra shit. I told them if they don't I'm not doing the extra crap I do. My director laughed me off and said he could make me do it. I told him I'll quit full time and go prn as just a transporter. He freaked out a bit because no one else could do what I did without training. They told me they were thinking of making me a Lead because of previous problem that happened. I told them they had until the next month to figure it out. About a week later I had my base pay jumped up by $1 and then got a 5% raise for my promotion. Worked there for several more years as the company paid for half my degree and I loved my boss.

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