
I took pity on an employer. Learn from my mistake.

Heads up this post involves sexual harassment. It was not physical and I have not shared it's details I applied for a role and during the interview they brought up how many people were leaving. That most people left not even half way through training and I took pity. They played themselves off as very genuine. I wanted to believe they just had a hard time finding the right employee and spoiler alert that wasn't the case. I reported harassment and sexual harassment to three different people about a co worker. This happened on day one of my employment. I told my trainer, my manager, and HR. They did nothing until I threatened to bring in a lawyer. My manager told me I won't be separated from the employee and if I feel unsafe and leave I will not get paid for the hours I lose and that nothing would…

Heads up this post involves sexual harassment. It was not physical and I have not shared it's details

I applied for a role and during the interview they brought up how many people were leaving. That most people left not even half way through training and I took pity.

They played themselves off as very genuine. I wanted to believe they just had a hard time finding the right employee and spoiler alert that wasn't the case.

I reported harassment and sexual harassment to three different people about a co worker. This happened on day one of my employment. I told my trainer, my manager, and HR. They did nothing until I threatened to bring in a lawyer.

My manager told me I won't be separated from the employee and if I feel unsafe and leave I will not get paid for the hours I lose and that nothing would happen to the employee.

The employee I reported for sexual harassment was planning to move to a different location before I even applied for the job. They didn't separate me from the employee I was separated by coincidence. I got the last pay back but they did nothing about the sexual harassment or the fact there was no procedure in place for it or that I had my hours/pay cut.

I have explained to multiple people the fact that the employee is physically separated from me doesn't mean the problem is over. They can still contact me via internal emails/video chat and the response from them was illegal.

When I told HR I'm a union member and if they won't resolve this with me I'll have a union representative speak on my behalf HR brought up how they could cut my hours. What coincidental timing.

In my country if you report sexual harassment and your employer goes “Well I know it's a completely unsafe work environment but we have no policy or procedure in place so you bare the consequences” it's illegal.

Everytime I have tried explaining to higher ups/HR that the response and the fact no policy/ procedure changes have taken place makes the work environment unsafe and means the problem still isn't resolved I get cut off.

I've been told to forget about it, that it's in the past, and my new favorite “It only happened once so unless it's happened again you don't have to think about it”.

If there was an exposed wire and it shocked someone and you told them “No we're not going to repair it and you haven't been electrocuted a second time so forget about it” you'd think they are insane.

Then I found out the terms of my job were vastly different to what was advertised and I only found out via word of mouth. It was meant to be a certain amount of time of in person training (that I won't disclose for privacy reasons but it was less then a month) then fully remote.

Turns out the amount of training disclosed is easily a month or more and even after all that extra time in person it's not even fully remote as advertised. It's hybrid and not consistently hybrid either.

I tried negotiating with them. With the price of fuel, additional transport time that I would have to cover due to the extra weeks or month in office I requested they compensate me for the travel costs and give me later start. Pretty fair considering I could of lawyered up well before this discussion but they didn't even consider it.

I won't disclose the specifics but my contract has been violated at this point.

I quit today. I walked out, called a lawyer and I'm going to file a claim.

Don't pity these employers for not maintaining employees. It's their fault. Treat people well, pay them fairly, and there is no issue.

I won't agree to a NDA on this. I want this subreddit to see the final outcome, a full report, when it's over. For now I'll remain anonymous.

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