
I used my vacation days for the first time since working new job over 2 years ago. During my recent annual review, my Supervisor told me that our Managing Director, “thinks I’m a flight risk”…

Am I crazy, or does this scream, “I run a prison”, if I analyze that statement. Maybe the owner should just change the LLC name to Shawshank and update his title to Warden if you're gonna have that kind of mentality regarding your inmates. I mean employees. Chaps my ass even 2 years of diligent work isn't nearly enough time-served before you can start trying to enjoy any parole time. I mean vacation days. Bonus statement from my supervisor: “It feels like you have the Monday Blues sometimes” hahaha Might as well just call this place Shawshank (Office) Space.

Am I crazy, or does this scream, “I run a prison”, if I analyze that statement. Maybe the owner should just change the LLC name to Shawshank and update his title to Warden if you're gonna have that kind of mentality regarding your inmates. I mean employees.

Chaps my ass even 2 years of diligent work isn't nearly enough time-served before you can start trying to enjoy any parole time. I mean vacation days.

Bonus statement from my supervisor: “It feels like you have the Monday Blues sometimes” hahaha Might as well just call this place Shawshank (Office) Space.

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