
I waited a year for this? – Maybe you’ll appreciate this more here…

Originally posted on /trueoffmychest and was getting downvoted for whatever reason, lol. So a year ago I saw a government job I thought was a very good fit for me and decided to apply. I messaged the supervisor and was told “Sorry, I know the website says the application is still available, but it actually closed yesterday. You have to wait an entire year.” Wait a year I did. Obviously I didn't stop myself from applying to other jobs, but yeah. Anyways, the other day I was told that I'd have to take an “exam” prior to applying to the job. So I create an account, log in, and apparently was answering all these questions without knowing what I was answering was considered the “exam.” It was a little over 100 stupid questions that all said only to check if I've performed an activity at work (school wasn't allowed). ​…

Originally posted on /trueoffmychest and was getting downvoted for whatever reason, lol.

So a year ago I saw a government job I thought was a very good fit for me and decided to apply. I messaged the supervisor and was told “Sorry, I know the website says the application is still available, but it actually closed yesterday. You have to wait an entire year.” Wait a year I did. Obviously I didn't stop myself from applying to other jobs, but yeah. Anyways, the other day I was told that I'd have to take an “exam” prior to applying to the job. So I create an account, log in, and apparently was answering all these questions without knowing what I was answering was considered the “exam.” It was a little over 100 stupid questions that all said only to check if I've performed an activity at work (school wasn't allowed).

For example:

You were complimented on your ability to problem solve at work (select: never, every 3 months, or every 12 months).

You were given a promotion at work (select: never, every 3 months, or every 12 months).

In other words, the questions were set up in a weird way. Who gets complimented or gets a promotion at work every several months? lol.

So I tried to answer these questions as honestly as possible since I don't like lying or misrepresenting. Upon submission, I was told that I “failed” the exam. NOWHERE did it state that THIS was the exam. The exam, I was told, was about demonstrating your ability to perform in the field (and was supposed to have actual tasks, etc.).

This is for an entry-level government position and requires ZERO experience, mind you.

So I messaged the supervisor and just got some generic, “sorry, you didn't get a 70% on the exam, we can't consider you this time around message.”

How stupid and bland are these jobs that ask ridiculous questions and make you go through irrelevent hoops and bounds?

This whole process was really cringey. I wish you could have seen the “exam.” You would have torn it apart, Reddit.


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