
I walked into a smoke shop today and I overheard the employee crying and talking to the customer at the counter. His wife was in a hospital several hours away due to some heart problem.

He said through his sobs that the mother of his children had sudden heart issues and was in the hospital. He hadn’t left work yet because he was waiting for someone to show up to take over. How absolutely fucking insane!? That we live in a world that expects someone to stay at ANY job in a familial (or otherwise) crisis. I hope his wife is doing okay, and I hope he got to see her before a tragedy struck, if it did. I walked right out of the shop after wishing him and his wife the best.. I truly hope he locked up and told his boss to fuck himself. One day things will change if we keep fighting for our right to LIVE. It’s really not much we ask for: basic humanity.

He said through his sobs that the mother of his children had sudden heart issues and was in the hospital. He hadn’t left work yet because he was waiting for someone to show up to take over.

How absolutely fucking insane!? That we live in a world that expects someone to stay at ANY job in a familial (or otherwise) crisis.

I hope his wife is doing okay, and I hope he got to see her before a tragedy struck, if it did.

I walked right out of the shop after wishing him and his wife the best.. I truly hope he locked up and told his boss to fuck himself.

One day things will change if we keep fighting for our right to LIVE. It’s really not much we ask for: basic humanity.

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