
I walked off a job today. For the first time ever…here’s why

So a little background about me. First off I'm a veteran. So I know a little about shit work for shit pay. Secondly, I've worked every damn trade known to man. Plumbing, welding, fire tech, electrician, you name it. Well I work(ed) at a pretty high up fire safety company. Hugh in the Midwest. Well we've been having problems keeping people on. They even hired a guy to come in to ask why the turnover rate is so high. We have our complaints. Not enough money. Lack of training. Overwhelmed. They listened. Nothing was done. Now to explain my job I'll do it as simple as I can. Fire extinguishers need serviced every 6 to 12 years. It's required by the state. Every state. So we come in annually and check them. That's required as well. If they are due we swap them out for good ones. We do more…

So a little background about me. First off I'm a veteran. So I know a little about shit work for shit pay. Secondly, I've worked every damn trade known to man. Plumbing, welding, fire tech, electrician, you name it. Well I work(ed) at a pretty high up fire safety company. Hugh in the Midwest. Well we've been having problems keeping people on. They even hired a guy to come in to ask why the turnover rate is so high. We have our complaints. Not enough money. Lack of training. Overwhelmed. They listened. Nothing was done. Now to explain my job I'll do it as simple as I can. Fire extinguishers need serviced every 6 to 12 years. It's required by the state. Every state. So we come in annually and check them. That's required as well. If they are due we swap them out for good ones. We do more with kitchen surpression systems but that's irrelevant here. So the guy that does the maintenance on our extinguishers quit two months ago. So generally. Extinguishers we not getting maintenanced. It's our whole fucking job. This morning we have a tech meeting. We're already backed up cause a guy quit last week. So in the meeting I ask how we are supposed to do our job without the key ingredient. Extinguishers. All the schools are getting let out and are my biggest jobs for this and next month. I asked how am I supposed to exchange extinguishers if I have none. Boss said nothing. Bitch ass secretary told me to just deal with it. I said i would volunteer to not drive 1.5 hrs to my location and just do it for them. She then asked who would do my jobs. I told her there won't be any of my jobs without any extinguishers. She called me disrespectful I said I quit. My FUCKING BOSS said nothing the entire time. He told me to turn in my uniforms and id badges. Refusing to talk to me about it. They don't care. First time I've walked off a job. Nobody cares. I already had a job interview last week and I'm gonna take it if I get it but this is why you lose employees. You don't fucking care. I can't do my job properly but somehow it's my fault. Go fuck yourselves. They are so fucked now and I don't even feel bad. They fucking deserve it…

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