
I walked out of my job a week after giving notice.

So I had been working at a state run company for almost 2 years, and it had been an overall good job for me. The main issues I had were the 30 minute commute and the constant heavy lifting, which ultimately started to cause some health issues. I figured I could handle it, and I would just work a little slower like most of my coworkers seemed to be doing. Wrong. So, about a month before I decided to put my notice in, one of my coworkers got promoted to a manager position at another store. I was happy for him, but my main concern was who they were going to replace him with since he had a huge role in the store. Well jokes on me because when I brought it up, they simply said that I was going to have to take over his part for a “little…

So I had been working at a state run company for almost 2 years, and it had been an overall good job for me. The main issues I had were the 30 minute commute and the constant heavy lifting, which ultimately started to cause some health issues. I figured I could handle it, and I would just work a little slower like most of my coworkers seemed to be doing. Wrong.

So, about a month before I decided to put my notice in, one of my coworkers got promoted to a manager position at another store. I was happy for him, but my main concern was who they were going to replace him with since he had a huge role in the store. Well jokes on me because when I brought it up, they simply said that I was going to have to take over his part for a “little while” meaning double my normal work. I worked it for a week and could already tell it was killing me, so I brought it up again, saying I simply couldn't do this pace of work. Obviously nothing changed, and I was already planning to put my notice in, so I waited until I was sure I'd be okay financially and gave my notice to my boss.

Now, I had 80 hours of sick time built up from never calling out. I knew I couldn't use all of it, but I figured I could sneak one day in, so I called out 4 days after giving my notice, on the hardest lifting day of the week for us. Other employees have done this many many times while I worked their part of the shift, so I figured my boss would have remembered that. Wrong again. He threw a massive fit and I got an email from the GM that I needed to provide a sick note. No problem. I called Teladoc and had them write me one. That seemed to work and I returned to work the next day, where I was greeted by angry coworkers and my boss telling me that I was supposed to be driving to another store to work…20 minutes away through traffic.

This was the first time in 2 years that I had been moved, so I was absolutely furious. I almost walked out then, but I decided to just make the drive for that day, and then use sick days until the weekend to see if they would move me back to my store. So I called out the next day, and proactively provided sick notes for 2 days work. I got an email shortly saying they would not accept what appeared to be false doctors notes, and they would need a better detailed description of what my issues were.

That was the last straw, and I sent a well worded email back that really opened up all the issues with the workplace, including a previous employee who constantly no called no showed and I had to keep my mouth shut and work the extra for her absence. I got a shocked response back apologizing. But I was too far gone and too disturbed to go back, so I told him how I felt and I never went back. I don't think it's legal for workplaces to ask for details about your health, but it's over now and I'm still disgusted.

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