I've been homeless before and it fucking sucks, especially when it's -20 Celsius outside and you need to take a bus just to stay barely warm. it's also impossible to get a job while you're homeless as you won't have an address and no one wants to hire someone that doesn't have a housing situation on lock.
This is brainstorming on how to promote lending vacant homes to homeless people to make for a more productive overall society and people overall happier. This is a major issue in North America especially and if it was solved then it would be an overall win/win for all involved as corps and small businesses get cheaper labour while homeless people get to live in a warm house. There are 17 million empty homes while there are 0.5 million homeless people (2018 figures).
How do we make it affordable to lend housing units to homeless people?
- Take responsibility for damages (insurance)
- Make homeless people pay rent for housing privileges (work to be sheltered)
- Have the company (employing the housing recipient) pay for their housing at a discounted price such that the employee is still profitable to the company.
- Community service is required for the housing recipients.
- 3 people per room to limit the number of houses used.
- Advert money?
- Pay what you can model?
How do we make it easy for homeless people to find help?
- Posters around town
- Gov’t promotion (need a financial incentive for this)
- The financial incentive could be the homeless people contributing to the working class
- Corpo promotion (need a financial incentive)
- The financial incentive could include cheap work as housing is provided by the corp technically
Where to promote?
- Northern USA/Canada because it gets cold up there and is more unpleasant to be homeless
- China, as there are many homes and the ideology supports this.
- Nigeria as there are many empty homes and it’s extremely hot outside. In addition, economic stimulation would be encouraged by the gov’t.
How to convince the housed public to support?
- Play down how good the housing is
- Appeal to their empathy (unreliable)
- Make the housing recipients share the housing units
- Explain how it will reduce crime as the people are less desperate
How to differentiate from private prisons? (private prisons are basically the same thing, low pay and housing.)
- It’s not slavery as the recipients get to see their families
- More productive workers.
- Workers capable of doing more types of labour (Gov’t jobs, medical, etc..)
- It doesn’t make the corps as much money so this point is impossible to argue (at least impossible in California as they charge $142 daily for every day incarcerated)