
I want to get fired so I don’t have to pay back a bonus. Advice?

I got hired at EvilCorp 6 months ago. During the interview process, I was told that this was such a great company to work for and that work-life balance was attainable. At the time of my hire, employees catching covid was taken a lot more seriously, so I had the flexibility to work from home. When I accepted the offer, my manager told me I was only expected to come in once a week once covid was “over”. Suddenly it became 2 times a week. Now it's 3 times a week. That's complaint #1. Here's complaint #2: my boss is a psycho control freak who likes to berate all of her subordinates. She's a micromanager who asks her team to run email drafts by her before being able to send them out. I've obliged and tbh, dgaf. You wanna read my emails and edit them before I send them out?…

I got hired at EvilCorp 6 months ago. During the interview process, I was told that this was such a great company to work for and that work-life balance was attainable.

At the time of my hire, employees catching covid was taken a lot more seriously, so I had the flexibility to work from home. When I accepted the offer, my manager told me I was only expected to come in once a week once covid was “over”. Suddenly it became 2 times a week. Now it's 3 times a week. That's complaint #1.

Here's complaint #2: my boss is a psycho control freak who likes to berate all of her subordinates. She's a micromanager who asks her team to run email drafts by her before being able to send them out. I've obliged and tbh, dgaf. You wanna read my emails and edit them before I send them out? Fine, burn yourself out boss.

It's important to note that stakeholders in our company don't generally like my boss- she has a reputation for being excessively brash, rude, and rolling her eyes when she disagrees. That's not my problem, I don't get paid enough to police her behavior. Unfortunately, her reputation precedes her and her subordinates (me) are all guilty by association. I don't like being judged and having assumptions made about my character because of who my boss is, but it's whatever, I'll do my job and brush it aside. This was fine until I was personally insulted in the discreet form of a microagression by a stakeholder.

This is important to know for what comes next, complaint #3: I sometimes have to tell stakeholders “no” or “not right now” due to technical limitations, lack of resources, low roi/no value, etc. I found myself in a situation where I had to tell my stakeholder no. I was respectful, tactful, diplomatic, and to the point. This asshole responds by being slick and saying, “OK, [insert my boss's name]” in the most sarcastic and rude tone. I brushed it off but tbh, it bothers me. It bothers me that this stakeholder is the general counsel for Evilcorp and he has the audacity to disrespect me that way. I don't need to deal with rude, berating, and unprofessional assholes. I make ok money but I don't get paid enough for this shit. Part of my job description is to “build relationships” so it's not as easy as “don't take it personally.” I take it fucking personally and enough is enough.

I'm looking for a new job and currently interviewing for a very promising 100% remote position with a much more laid back and diverse group of peers. Here's where I need advice. When I accepted my current job, I signed a contract that states the following:

“$xx one time sign on bonus will be paid to [employee]. In the event that employee should voluntarily terminate employment within 12 months, employee will have to pay back sign on bonus.”

My understanding of this clause is that I cannot quit my job without having to pay back the sign on bonus. But, I can get fired (involuntary termination) and be off the hook for paying back the bonus.
Am I right to interpret the contract this way?

If yes, what's the best way for me to get involuntarily terminated from my job?

(Updated legal-ese to include 12 month duration that clause is effective for)

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