
I want to leave my job after a month, but ideas online about doing this are so toxic

I know that “toxic” is a buzzword so forgive me. Anyway, I got a job a month ago and I clearly do not possess the required abilities. I thought that the job would be more writing but it’s mainly data/math, and I have a learning disability in math (dyscalculia) and in spatial reasoning (dyspraxia) so this job has turned out to be awful for my self-esteem and well-being. Besides mention of excel, there was no indication that it would be so data heavy, and they asked for writing samples, not an excel skills assessment. Plus, training and the pay have both been less than ideal. Anyway, I decided it’s best for every one that I give a two-weeks notice. I’ve felt so guilty for the idea of quitting because I know it’ll cost them much time, money, and energy training someone else. But I’ve seen people/articles online discourage leaving, telling…

I know that “toxic” is a buzzword so forgive me.

Anyway, I got a job a month ago and I clearly do not possess the required abilities. I thought that the job would be more writing but it’s mainly data/math, and I have a learning disability in math (dyscalculia) and in spatial reasoning (dyspraxia) so this job has turned out to be awful for my self-esteem and well-being. Besides mention of excel, there was no indication that it would be so data heavy, and they asked for writing samples, not an excel skills assessment. Plus, training and the pay have both been less than ideal.

Anyway, I decided it’s best for every one that I give a two-weeks notice.

I’ve felt so guilty for the idea of quitting because I know it’ll cost them much time, money, and energy training someone else. But I’ve seen people/articles online discourage leaving, telling people to suck it up for their resumes in sacrifice of their well-being, AND because it’s inconsiderate to the employer, etc. … yet employers can fire you at any given moment, without a formal letter or two-weeks notice? I’m surprised by how many people online are staunchly in support of companies over people. Is work culture really so deeply embedded into our society?

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