
I want to quit my job after only 6 weeks

First of all, I want to mention I live in Eastern Europe I recently got a job after 2 years of being unemployed (after losing a good job due to covid, I decided to take a break). They wanted to hire me even without an interview, the director just called me and asked if I want to work for them(it's a corporate tourism agency). I firstly asked for an interview because I didn't want to go in blind. I went to the interview and accepted the job. Right after one week I realised I didn't want to work there anymore. There are things that I can't work with. Eg, there is a lot of gossip. The second a colleague exit the office space, they(women and men) immediately start commenting. For me this is disgusting af. The team members are older than me, married with kids(i'm married too but only for…

First of all, I want to mention I live in Eastern Europe

I recently got a job after 2 years of being unemployed (after losing a good job due to covid, I decided to take a break).

They wanted to hire me even without an interview, the director just called me and asked if I want to work for them(it's a corporate tourism agency). I firstly asked for an interview because I didn't want to go in blind.

I went to the interview and accepted the job. Right after one week I realised I didn't want to work there anymore.

There are things that I can't work with. Eg, there is a lot of gossip. The second a colleague exit the office space, they(women and men) immediately start commenting. For me this is disgusting af.

The team members are older than me, married with kids(i'm married too but only for one year), I don't have things in common with them. One day my husband send me roses and a cute teddy bear to the office and all women went crazy and really jealous and asked me why did he sent the flowers here and not giving them to me at home.

The thing that really annoys me is that I have to make calls and insist for email comfirmations, ffs, there are small hotels, guest houses etc that don't even have an email.

They weren't transparent when they hired me, they didn't tell me i'll have an office phone that i'll have to take home with me and answer calls once a week or so(including weekends). For now I don't have one because I'm still in the probation period,but i don't want to take calls after working hrs.

They are very unorganized, everyone is doing all kind of things and then there are misunderstandings.

Now they are planning giving me some kind of events things, like making cakes or pizza orders for corporations because one of the events team member got sick and he's not coming anymore. They even told me I should expect calls after working hrs and weekends, so basically I have to be available 24/7.

This is the point where I decided I'll resign even though I don't have a back up plan.

I had an interview for a financial job but idk if they'll accept me as I don't have any experience in the field.

I plan to resign on monday or tuesday, just to have a full month worked here.

I kinda feel bad for letting them think I'll take over the work they assigned me, but I hate what I'm doing and they lied at the interview.

I hope I made the right decision, what's your opinion?

Sorry if I made any grammar mistakes.

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