
I was called into a meeting to discuss my behavior

Alright guys, first post here and I won’t make it too long. Mostly looking for unbiased advise. I’m not going to defend myself, and I’m not going to demonize my superiors. I will also say, I have began applying for other jobs because this place that I work is doing nothing for my career now. I’ve been working for Company for 3 years now, completely through the pandemic. I’m a double major, and this is my first job so I’ve made plenty of mistakes, but have also learned a lot and have improved things much beyond my pay. I know I know, that’s a mistake as well, but it also allowed me to grow my skills, that I can use for other jobs. My type of job is developing programs for customers in the fashion industry. The beginning of the year my original supervisor left, when their position came up…

Alright guys, first post here and I won’t make it too long. Mostly looking for unbiased advise. I’m not going to defend myself, and I’m not going to demonize my superiors. I will also say, I have began applying for other jobs because this place that I work is doing nothing for my career now.

I’ve been working for Company for 3 years now, completely through the pandemic. I’m a double major, and this is my first job so I’ve made plenty of mistakes, but have also learned a lot and have improved things much beyond my pay. I know I know, that’s a mistake as well, but it also allowed me to grow my skills, that I can use for other jobs. My type of job is developing programs for customers in the fashion industry.

The beginning of the year my original supervisor left, when their position came up I did apply, but mostly because I wanted to see the process, I had no expectations to get it and I didn’t. Instead another coworker did. This coworker honestly didn’t like me very much, but it was a bit mutual. No toxicity, just a general disinterest in each other. What I didn’t know is just how foolish this person is. Pretty quickly he buddies up to me, and we actually got along quite well, and I have been assisting him in projects and upgrades because of my educational and professional background that he doesn’t have.

I would notice sometimes he just didn’t comprehend what I was saying, a really good example is I had to explain – to someone who is a leader for development – that Google Chrome and Safari are browsers and not websites. He told me he understood, but in the following days email he said “try making sure Google Chrome is closed (besides having Company Site open). Chrome seems to suck up all the memory of our Macs, so just a heads up.” It seems like he believes google the search engine shouldn’t be opened, because he is still using chrome, but when he plays presentations up he types in google on safari, while still having chrome open.

Moving on, I was pulled into a meeting with him and HR because around 10 products that I hade made information for were wrong, the client had reached out with corrected information. This is not uncommon, but he was freaking out over it. He told me I wasn’t doing my job correctly, that I wasn’t doing my due diligence. I defended myself and told him I only used the information given to me from the clients website, and he told me that if I’m confused or don’t have everything that I should reach out to the client. I told him that that’s how all of our product is, I can only use what the clients website provides and that I didn’t understand the issue. I told him that when the corrections email comes in I have no issue updating it and, and wanted to know the issue? He said that I was deflecting and pushing the blame on other people and not holding myself accountable.

But I feel like explaining my side, and also correcting it without fuss is me being accountable?

Next he explains that VM(virtual meetings) we have been having with his boss and three other coworkers discussing upgrading our work has an issue as well. He said he believes that I’m not being “100% truthful” when talking about switching over to Visual Studio instead of Company Software. He said that I was coming across as dishonest because when we swapped, the other editors were experiencing lag, while I wasn’t. In the VM that was brought up I said that it could be other issues, probably not the program itself. These other editors don’t do anything to optimize their workstations, and it turns out HE as the leader gave them the settings to start working but he never consulted me. It was all out of wack, the RAM settings were wrong among other things. I had to explain what RAM was to him. He said that even after swapping settings they were still lagging, and claims I was being dishonest in my fixes. I held myself accountable because in the next VM I told them that I found a setting that I had missed, and it was causing my files to be much larger – that had been a major complaint from their side. I fixed that and moved on.

Now he is saying that I am the only team member that’s not having issues, and today was the first day I had heard that they were still lagging. It has been 3 weeks since the last VM. At the end of the meeting they chalked it up to miscommunication and urged me to be better. I just kind of left with a ton of confusion. I’m not in danger of being fired, and I’m not in trouble, but this whole song and dance has me feeling off.

I don’t make a lot of money here, and neither does he. I don’t understand the need for what they called an “attitude coaching session”. Thoughts?

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