
I was “drafted” for graveyard shift and feel trapped

Hi all. Basically, I work for a well known internet service company. During the hiring process, I was told that my department is open 24/7 and the shift they expected me to work once training was over would most likely by 3pm-12am but “wasn’t sure what shifts would be available when that time comes.” 5 months later, I am finally out of training and we do this things called a shift bid and I, with 40+ people, all bid for our shifts and get it based off seniority. And I got 12am-9am… (while people in my same new hire class got regular shifts during the day ) I see how this could work for some people, as there were people in my department who actually CHOSE to work this shift but I know I absolutely cannot handle it. Even if my body adjusts, I know my mind will not and…

Hi all. Basically, I work for a well known internet service company. During the hiring process, I was told that my department is open 24/7 and the shift they expected me to work once training was over would most likely by 3pm-12am but “wasn’t sure what shifts would be available when that time comes.” 5 months later, I am finally out of training and we do this things called a shift bid and I, with 40+ people, all bid for our shifts and get it based off seniority. And I got 12am-9am… (while people in my same new hire class got regular shifts during the day ) I see how this could work for some people, as there were people in my department who actually CHOSE to work this shift but I know I absolutely cannot handle it. Even if my body adjusts, I know my mind will not and I know my mental health will deteriorate. I feel stuck and trapped. I want to just quit but you know, bills. So I feel like I’m stuck having to work this shift and they don’t give a fuck. I talked to my manager about it and he basically told me that “I know this department was open 24/7 when I was hired so I should’ve prepared for this.” I’m livid.
Thanks for listening to me rant.

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