
I was fired because I stood up for my nurses (AKA- vet nurses- demand better wages!)

I'm a vet. And more specifically I'm a surgeon that performs very big/complex procedures ( I have lots of advanced training). I worked at a non-profit clinic. I didn't make as much as my counterparts in private/ for-profit clinics, but I was happy enough as I could help people- people that couldn't afford fracture repair, liver shunt surgery, cruciate ligament surgery (TPLO), etc., elsewhere. And while I was comfortable with my wages, we as a profession have FAILED our nurses. They are our lifeline. I can't even dress myself- I need someone to help me get ready for surgery. I need someone to monitor complex anesthesia cases. I Need someone to place IV catheters in 3lb kittens. And we pay them $14 dollars an hour. However, the CEO, according to form 990, gets big raises each year. But there's “no money in the budget” for the nurses. A budget I…

I'm a vet. And more specifically I'm a surgeon that performs very big/complex procedures ( I have lots of advanced training). I worked at a non-profit clinic. I didn't make as much as my counterparts in private/ for-profit clinics, but I was happy enough as I could help people- people that couldn't afford fracture repair, liver shunt surgery, cruciate ligament surgery (TPLO), etc., elsewhere.

And while I was comfortable with my wages, we as a profession have FAILED our nurses. They are our lifeline. I can't even dress myself- I need someone to help me get ready for surgery. I need someone to monitor complex anesthesia cases. I Need someone to place IV catheters in 3lb kittens. And we pay them $14 dollars an hour.

However, the CEO, according to form 990, gets big raises each year. But there's “no money in the budget” for the nurses.

A budget I asked to see for years but never once saw…

So I routinely, and aggressively, fought for my team. Could I have been more diplomatic? Yeah, tried that; didn't work. So I'd yell at the CEO in meetings and in e-mails. She would bully everyone in that place, but me, she was always scared of me.

I guess she finally had enough when I told some fake-ass consultant off. This consultant literally told the staff to be happy we are helping people. And I was just fucking done and asked, “How can they “be happy” if they are struggling to survive?” And I said a lot more during this very public meeting. By the way, this consultant worked at another non-profit that has closed their clinic due to staffing issues. Yeah, seems like a great person to bring in. For fuck's sake.

I was fired as I walked in the door earlier this week. I had surgeries scheduled that day. Those people were relying on me to fix their dog's and cat's broken bones. Without me, they have nowhere to go. And admin didn't give a fuck. They say they are there “for the animals.” They aren't.

I could ramble on forever; however, I'll stop the rambling to say this:

Vet nurses– demand better pay and treatment. If the clinic can't (i.e. won't) pay, get the fuck out. You deserve better. You have amazing skills, and because you care so much, they keep you hostage. Right now is the BEST time to leave and find a better-paying clinic/hospital. EVERY SINGLE ONE of those places is desperate. You are in control.

Four of my (former) staff walked out this week and more will follow because I was the only one that treated them with respect. I was the reason they stayed as long as they did. And I'm glad I was fired- because now they know the truth. Work doesn't care about you, and it never will. Stand up for yourself. And always stand up for others, it's worth, it trust me.

And you , you old disgusting crazy cat lady, you didn't hurt me. I had three job offers on the day you fired me, but you lost a fuck ton of revenue that day (as I was your highest producer by far). Literally no one in the building likes or respects you. And your office stinks like cat piss. It's gross. I can't imagine what it must be like to live a life like that. It's just sad. At least I have friends.

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