I applied and got a job as a manager for a specific department in a small business. It went fine… for 2 days.
Some people in my team started acting out towards me and being downright rude, which I discussed with my manager right away.
Turns out I was hired to do things that were not included in the JD, not discussed during the interviews, and that make me usually turn downs jobs when I am looking.
My manager and I agreed on a small amendment to my work hours to make my commute easier, and again after a few days it is being revoked because the rest of the team expects me to stay later and work on things that were not included on the JD.
My dudes, I’m tired. If you want someone to do certain tasks, fucking SAY SO during interviews.
I would not have taken the job if they had been clear.
Am now waiting for a better opportunity whilst doing the minimum possible where I work. I feel so played I lost all motivation today.
That was work day 7.