
I was just let go after two months with a company.

I’ve always been successful in my career. I’ve hopped industries and received high praise at every job I’ve ever had. Most recently, I started a position managing a small finance team for a tech firm, and that’s about as detailed as I’ll go for privacy reasons. I’ve been working with my director closely since I started late February, we meet 2-5 times a day spanning 3-5 hours in total. Between meetings, working with my director, and doing my own projects/ reports, I’d been working 55-60 hours a week since I started. Which I felt was fairly abnormal, I’m not new to my career by any stretch of the imagination, I’ve been out of grad school for nearly a decade. So historically I’d expect a ramp period 2-5 months, sometimes longer, where the new hire is expected to perform… well like a new hire. In my two months since I started,…

I’ve always been successful in my career. I’ve hopped industries and received high praise at every job I’ve ever had. Most recently, I started a position managing a small finance team for a tech firm, and that’s about as detailed as I’ll go for privacy reasons.

I’ve been working with my director closely since I started late February, we meet 2-5 times a day spanning 3-5 hours in total. Between meetings, working with my director, and doing my own projects/ reports, I’d been working 55-60 hours a week since I started. Which I felt was fairly abnormal, I’m not new to my career by any stretch of the imagination, I’ve been out of grad school for nearly a decade. So historically I’d expect a ramp period 2-5 months, sometimes longer, where the new hire is expected to perform… well like a new hire.

In my two months since I started, I spear-headed and fully developed two company initiatives that are now being used by the company at large. And today? I was “let go” for not ramping and performing quickly enough.

I’ve never felt more confused. I’ve never been bad at a job, and hell I don’t even think I was bad at this one. But now here I am, unemployed, and my professional confidence is shaken.

I have nothing really of value to add beyond just sharing my story, but wanted to add further proof that companies just absolutely do not care about you. They care about themselves, and productivity, and that is that.

Sorry for the rant, I’m just lost.

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