
I Was Laid-off 3 Weeks Ago, a Blessing in Disguise

I was laid-off 3 weeks ago from my Marketing Manager role. I was hired in March of 2021. Prior to my hire the entire Marketing dept was furloughed and outsourced. I was brought on as the first member of “Marketing Team 2.0”. After about a month I grew to dread the role, solely because of the incredibly uneducated C-Suite. Basically President, CEO, CIO, HR VPs who shouldn't hold those titles, but have them cause they've been in the company for 25+ yrs. Nothing moves in the company until the President approves or denies it. There was always a lack of professionalism and respect. Which is awful considering this is a mid-size global corp. Alot of off-color comments, Biased treatment, Reckless safety protocol (lack thereof) for COVID, bad wages, HUGE distrust in employees, dangerously poor communication, old/out-dated crap software, alongside just other lack-luster conditions. Imagine, the company was founded in 1991,…

I was laid-off 3 weeks ago from my Marketing Manager role.

I was hired in March of 2021. Prior to my hire the entire Marketing dept was furloughed and outsourced. I was brought on as the first member of “Marketing Team 2.0”.
After about a month I grew to dread the role, solely because of the incredibly uneducated C-Suite. Basically President, CEO, CIO, HR VPs who shouldn't hold those titles, but have them cause they've been in the company for 25+ yrs. Nothing moves in the company until the President approves or denies it.

There was always a lack of professionalism and respect. Which is awful considering this is a mid-size global corp. Alot of off-color comments, Biased treatment, Reckless safety protocol (lack thereof) for COVID, bad wages, HUGE distrust in employees, dangerously poor communication, old/out-dated crap software, alongside just other lack-luster conditions. Imagine, the company was founded in 1991, and they keep running it like it's 1991. A disgusting refusal to get with the times. The “55 year old divorced man in a yellow convertible Corvette with hair plugs, Trying his best to seem cool, But completely unaware” of a corporation.

In late Jan 2022, after months of empty promises a Marketing Director was brought on board. We hit it off well, I really liked them. They are INCREDIBLY knowledgeable and qualified. It made the job exciting for me again. Though every week I was losing more and more responsibilities. About 4 weeks ago I go to this new Marketing Director and bluntly ask them “Am I on my way out? All of my responsibilities are getting outsourced to others. I quite literally do nothing at my desk all day” I don't know how to explain it, but, when I know something's up, I know. Marketing Director assured me that I don't need to worry and that my job security is not at risk.

Friday, Feb 25th 4:50PM: CTO (person who hired me) called me into their office…”We have to let you go, The new Marketing Director and President formed a new marketing plan and there's no need for you anymore”

The dam snake Marketing Director finessed me. That's what irked me the most, They knew I was in the middle of planning a wedding and about to begin the home buying process. This Marketing Director put an anchor in my life's plan…

I always had a suspicion that I was a bandaid for this corporation, and I'm a bit bummed that I was right to be suspicious. They never approved my ad spends, they never got me equipment I needed, I was never trusted as the SME. I was just… There. I accomplished nothing during my tenure.

I'm not going to expose this corporation by name. I have my reasons as to why. Please understand that there's a series of reasons why. (I'm not being threatened or anything fear of retaliation related)

Friday, Feb 25th 5:10PM: I have all my belongings stuffed into a grocery bag (they couldn't even give me a box). I immediately get in my truck and call my fiance, I tell her everything. As I begin telling her of my plans to find a new job she stops me and says, “Honestly, take a break. You weren't happy there, don't rush into doing the same thing again. We'll find you the right role at the right company later.”

So… We went out and celebrated!

The past 3 weeks have been life-changing. I've reconnected with old friends, I've been able to work out more, I got my project motorcycle running, I've gotten to spend more time on my Spanish courses, I got to meet with a therapist, I eat better, I sleep more restfully, I'm able to dedicate more time to my Little (Big Brothers Big Sisters of America). My relationship with my fiance has gotten even better. It's cool, I feel alive. It's been a complete 180 for me. It's crazy what adding 40hrs/wk back to your life can do.

AND I've spent the past couple of weeks picking up random handyman gigs, and I love it. I make 3x my estimated hourly rate, and I “work” 8-12hrs/wk. This isn't my next career path, it's just me doing something I actually like and making enough to prevent dipping into savings. Just something to do for the time being. And it makes me feel happy and fulfilled 🙂

I don't miss my co-workers, I don't miss management, I don't miss the title, I don't miss the pizza parties.

I totally understand that I'm incredibly fortuneate to have been able to save 60% of my income. I'm very lucky to be able to afford a couple months of staying home. Please don't think that I don't recognize that.

But if you're in the same boat as me, I advise enjoying some funemployment too

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