
I was lied to

I was a good kid in school. Never in trouble. Never touched drugs. Got good grades. I even got to graduate early because my grades were good enough. Never heavy into the alcohol. I got my first job as soon as I was legally allowed to. I worked 30 hours a week regularly whilst I was in high school. Still got good grades. I studied. I got my bachelors, graduated with distinction. I even got a couple certificates and diplomas to supplement them. I worked most of that time too. It was hard. Lots of 5am starts, not coming home until 9pm. Repeat seven days a week. I’m 27 now. I have less than $10k in savings. I have no assets except a car that’s beginning to break down. I honestly don’t know what will become of me in a year’s time. I’ll have to move out of my place,…

I was a good kid in school. Never in trouble. Never touched drugs. Got good grades. I even got to graduate early because my grades were good enough. Never heavy into the alcohol.

I got my first job as soon as I was legally allowed to. I worked 30 hours a week regularly whilst I was in high school. Still got good grades. I studied. I got my bachelors, graduated with distinction. I even got a couple certificates and diplomas to supplement them. I worked most of that time too. It was hard. Lots of 5am starts, not coming home until 9pm. Repeat seven days a week.

I’m 27 now. I have less than $10k in savings. I have no assets except a car that’s beginning to break down. I honestly don’t know what will become of me in a year’s time. I’ll have to move out of my place, housing is hard, so I’ll likely have to move town and start over again. That might wipe the rest of my savings, if I have any left by then. It’s increasingly difficult to save money.

If someone like me – who’s smart, works hard, and keeps their nose clean – if I can’t make it, who can?

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