
I was promoted and now I regret it.

I was promoted and now I regret it. I was one of the best at my job and I loved it because I could be comfortable from home and have free time to do other things (I am 19 years old and it is my first job), due to my good performance I was offered a promotion so I decided to accept the opportunity because the idea excited me and I didn't want to look like a loser for turning down an offer that was going to give me more money. The thing is, when I started in my new position I was scared by the amount of responsibility and stress that comes with it, I realized that I accepted the offer too quickly and that I was not mentally prepared for the workload. I haven't eaten or slept well in days, the anxiety of not knowing if I'm good…

I was promoted and now I regret it.

I was one of the best at my job and I loved it because I could be comfortable from home and have free time to do other things (I am 19 years old and it is my first job), due to my good performance I was offered a promotion so I decided to accept the opportunity because the idea excited me and I didn't want to look like a loser for turning down an offer that was going to give me more money.

The thing is, when I started in my new position I was scared by the amount of responsibility and stress that comes with it, I realized that I accepted the offer too quickly and that I was not mentally prepared for the workload. I haven't eaten or slept well in days, the anxiety of not knowing if I'm good enough for this paralyzes me, plus I can no longer work from home or have time off.

I miss my previous position but every time I tell someone about it they tell me I'm too weak and that a promotion is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Right now I am in a position where I can either go back to my old position or stay in my current position.

I feel like I want to go back to my old position but I am terrified of the idea that I will never be considered again and I will be stuck doing that forever plus disappointing a lot of people who supported me during the promotion (or worse getting fired), but I am also terrified of the idea of continuing in a new position that will consume more of my life and also give me more stress and responsibility, I have been trying to adjust to this new position but I still have anxiety and want to cry every time I have to go to work.

Don't get me wrong I am thankful that I have a job and that I was chosen, but I feel that I should have thought it through because I feel that it was not the right time.

Has anyone ever gone through anything similar?

Am I a mentally weak person or is it normal for me to feel miserable after getting a promotion?

I can still decide if I want to go back to my old position but if I do, the company will never consider me for anything else in the future, I will look irresponsible and many people will be disappointed, please help me.

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