
I was so scared but I did it! I quit my job.

I worked at 7-Eleven 5 years ago in a different town. I liked the job because I liked my manager. I moved towns, worked as a supervisor for GameStop for 5 years, left work for college, and then applied at a different 7/11 around the corner from my house. The manager really wanted me to work for her because I had previous experience. I started working for her in January. I also work a full time day job. I caught Covid my first week there, and I had to quarantine for 5 days. My boss told me she couldn’t retrain me because she didn’t have time. I received 8 hours of training and then I was thrown to the wolves. I obliged because I wanted to be a team player. I did okay overall (I think) but my boss would get so upset with me. She would leave notes behind…

I worked at 7-Eleven 5 years ago in a different town. I liked the job because I liked my manager. I moved towns, worked as a supervisor for GameStop for 5 years, left work for college, and then applied at a different 7/11 around the corner from my house. The manager really wanted me to work for her because I had previous experience. I started working for her in January. I also work a full time day job.

I caught Covid my first week there, and I had to quarantine for 5 days. My boss told me she couldn’t retrain me because she didn’t have time. I received 8 hours of training and then I was thrown to the wolves. I obliged because I wanted to be a team player.

I did okay overall (I think) but my boss would get so upset with me. She would leave notes behind that called me lazy. She would leave notes that said “I’m paying you to be here, work harder” and “there’s always something to do.” I once ran into her in public and she walked right by me. I assumed she didn’t see me and when I saw her at work the next day I was like “I saw you out to eat last night. We’re those your grand babies?” She admitted to me that she saw me but wouldn’t acknowledge me back because she doesn’t believe in saying hi to the staff outside of work (wtf). She has made other workers come in sick, she promised me vacation time at the interview and then later denied my vacation request, and the assistant manager has made me stay past my shift to do her job (after I’ve clocked out).

I had enough after today. Our internet went down. We had to unload a truck of over 1000 items and I only had one other person to help. He refused to lift anything heavy and I basically did the brunt work for 3 hours straight. I messaged a coworker to ask for help, and I was told not to text them at 3am (which I get but management doesn’t answer).

I asked her to talk in the office. She came in and I told her I was putting in my two weeks. She sighed and said “really, I wasted so much time on you for nothing.” I said “I had 8 hours of training, I don’t think it was that much wasted time.” She said she can’t find staff. That I knew what I was getting into. That I screwed her over royally.

I thought I was going to be more scared, but I told her “I have to do what’s best for me.” She said “I get that” and then I walked out. My last day is the 4th. I’m scared she’s gonna be nastier now, but if she is I’m just gonna walk out and quit. This was such a scary but rewarding experience for me. No regrets. Do what’s best for you. Always.

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