
I was temporarily terminated for having ADHD/Autism

I do a lot of gigs for the airport on an app called Roadie. Basically, I deliver baggage, and I really enjoy it. Well… did enjoy it. They have these carts to put the luggage on, but it’s very loud and vibrates. That really distracts and hurts my brain so I just carry the bags two at a time to my car and make 2-3 trips. It takes a little longer, but I like to take my time and enjoy my day without all the stimulation. A Delta baggage representative, for reasons I couldn’t even explain, hates me on a personal level it felt like. She always said “why aren’t you taking the cart??” “Everyone takes the cart you need to use it.” I explain myself and she says that maybe this job is too much for someone with autism… what? No, I deliver the bags just a good as…

I do a lot of gigs for the airport on an app called Roadie. Basically, I deliver baggage, and I really enjoy it. Well… did enjoy it. They have these carts to put the luggage on, but it’s very loud and vibrates. That really distracts and hurts my brain so I just carry the bags two at a time to my car and make 2-3 trips. It takes a little longer, but I like to take my time and enjoy my day without all the stimulation.

A Delta baggage representative, for reasons I couldn’t even explain, hates me on a personal level it felt like. She always said “why aren’t you taking the cart??” “Everyone takes the cart you need to use it.” I explain myself and she says that maybe this job is too much for someone with autism… what? No, I deliver the bags just a good as anyone else. Why am I being discriminated against?

Today, I was locked out of my account due to a Delta representative saying I was “showing behavior issues” and “should not be a driver”. Idk what to feel. I’m not as much upset about my account being locked as much as this…

Everyday I wake up to greet a world that looks at me like a burden. I greet it back, smiling, deploying kindness and understanding. I never try to get back, I never try to be smart, I just want to be normal and be apart of society. Todays just another reminder that I live in a world filled with hate. I hate the term “high functioning”, but I’m not freaking stupid and I do my job to perfection and have a flawless record with 600+ deliveries and all 5 stars.

What’s most difficult for me is that everyone at the airport is really nice to me, we talk all the time, and they have been some of the nicest people I know. I’m questioning how normal am I if any… were they all just being nice and not telling me I’m a freak… my self perception is really messed up rn.

Roadie support said they are on my side, I have over 600+ 5 star deliveries, no cancellations. They just have to get the appropriate team involved because it’s a “safety issue”

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