
I was told I need to drink less water at work

I work in an office and drank a lot of water today. We have to put in the chat when we get off the phone so I put brb restroom TWICE. Each time I was back in 2-3 minutes. I have coworkers that go to the bathroom like five times a day for 10+ minutes so I try to be quick. I've only been with this company for four weeks and was pulled aside and told that I need to drink less water because my coworkers will see me taking more breaks and be angry. I was FURIOUS. Shes like we can't stop you but your co-workers won't like it. My coworkers don't talk to me anyways. Most of them come to work late and are late from break. What hurt the most was when I started I told them I struggle with panic attacks and they said that's fine…

I work in an office and drank a lot of water today. We have to put in the chat when we get off the phone so I put brb restroom TWICE. Each time I was back in 2-3 minutes. I have coworkers that go to the bathroom like five times a day for 10+ minutes so I try to be quick. I've only been with this company for four weeks and was pulled aside and told that I need to drink less water because my coworkers will see me taking more breaks and be angry. I was FURIOUS. Shes like we can't stop you but your co-workers won't like it. My coworkers don't talk to me anyways. Most of them come to work late and are late from break. What hurt the most was when I started I told them I struggle with panic attacks and they said that's fine just put it in the chat when you need a breather but they're now freaking out about 3 minutes to go to the bathroom….. On top of this last Friday my supervisor told me that my generation ruined the country and covid wasn't real and how I'm too sensitive because I was crying about roe v Wade. I'm so fucking done with this company but sure sis go off on how “no one wants to work” and that's why you can't keep employees.

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