
I was told wanting to know my schedule was a red flag.

Like many, I've been fed up with being essentially used and abused for unliveable wages for years. About 4 years ago I left my field because every single office I worked for was full of toxicity and drama. Suffering through it for 10 hours of my life every day wasn't worth the money anymore. I want peace and unless you're going to pay me Bezos money, you're not going to rob me of my serenity and treat me like shit. I don't have a lot by way of possessions and whatnot but I don't care. Stuff isn't going to make me happy anyway. Needless to say, finding employment where I'm treated like a human being has been impossible. I did an interview with a company last week that basically consisted of them telling me it's so hard to find staff, they hire people and in a matter of days they're…

Like many, I've been fed up with being essentially used and abused for unliveable wages for years. About 4 years ago I left my field because every single office I worked for was full of toxicity and drama. Suffering through it for 10 hours of my life every day wasn't worth the money anymore. I want peace and unless you're going to pay me Bezos money, you're not going to rob me of my serenity and treat me like shit. I don't have a lot by way of possessions and whatnot but I don't care. Stuff isn't going to make me happy anyway.

Needless to say, finding employment where I'm treated like a human being has been impossible. I did an interview with a company last week that basically consisted of them telling me it's so hard to find staff, they hire people and in a matter of days they're negative, and most of the drama of the business has experienced with an assortment of employees in the past year. They just don't know why it's so hard to keep people and our favorite- “No one wants to work anymore.”

Yeah, I know, major red flags. I need money coming in though so I took the position while I continue looking for a job that provides a liveable wage and healthy work environment (a unicorn?!).

So I'm told to come in to shadow. I go in to do so. They have a zoom meeting scheduled for a potential new system they're thinking of using. I sit there and listen for over an hour longer than I was told I'd be there, learn nothing as they aren't even using this system yet, and go home. I'm told to come back Monday at opening. Ok….

Monday. I show up 10 minutes early. Their opener arrives 20 minutes late, so I'm waiting for half an hour. Another red flag. (But “this NEVER happens!” )

I ask how long she's been there- 3 weeks. The other staff member? Not even 2. They both were both left alone to open and conduct business their second day. (This business works with animals and it's impossible to effectively learn what you need to in order to ensure everyone's safety in 2 days, forget the office portion on top of that) Huge mother fucking RED FLAG.

I ask when the owner (acting manager as well) will be in. He won't be. I'm supposed to find out my schedule for the week and now I will not. I'm being “trained” by someone that wasn't trained themselves and doesn't really know what they're doing (handling animals in a way that will result in injury, etc). I'm internally screaming to myself to just leave, this is going to be a nightmare, but I stay because gas is $5/gallon and you have to sell your soul for groceries basically and a girl's gotta eat. I express my concern about the disorganization and high turnover to my coworker and ask about her 3 week experience. She's pretty mum. “I work 11 hour days. But I need the money.” And untrained human working with animals that have the ability to hurt or kill one another and could also do so to a human being…. Sounds. Fucking. Awesome. (not)

Well, I go home for the day and get a call from the owner who essentially reams me out for “being so pushy about knowing my schedule”, “asking concerning questions” (like, is there hot water in the bathroom because nothing comes out of the faucet) and “no one understands the amazing opportunity here.”

For the last year, they've gone through dozens of people and it's every single one of those people's problems…. has nothing to do with the guy running the place. Ha. The common denominator? The owner!

Am I living in an alternate fucking universe where wanting to know your schedule for the week is demanding and pushy?? Where waiting half an hour on your first day for someone to show up is fine, or wondering why they've gone through 20 people in a year isn't concerning, or if there is hot water to wash my hands after working with animals??? I forgot- employees cannot have a life, must be at the beck and call of their employer for shit money, and definitely not ask questions about sketchy shit. My bad. /s

So I had to back pedal, put my foot in my mouth, and try to keep this shit show of a job until I find another and it pisses me off.

There's no point to this other than me realizing that nothing is changing- or if it is, it ain't fast enough. And maybe also just to check that I'm not fucking crazy for wanting to know when I'm working, wanting to be trained properly and communicated with about something other than the “horrible employees” they've had.

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