
I will always stick up for you at work if things aren’t right.

I’m not someone with an important job or an even difficult job. But if things get bad, I’ll stick up for you. I’ll be the squeaky wheel. I’ll be the one to talk to management if you’re scared. I’ll be the one to say “Hey, this isn’t right and it needs to be fixed”. It’s not okay to be taken advantage of at work. It’s not okay to work in an environment that is unsafe. It’s not okay to be bullied or have your genuine concerns ignored. I’ll always stick up for you because it’s the right thing to do, even if it makes me unpopular or people don’t like me. I’ll stick up for them too. We all deserve to work in a place we feel comfortable and safe in. I will always fight the good fight.

I’m not someone with an important job or an even difficult job. But if things get bad, I’ll stick up for you. I’ll be the squeaky wheel. I’ll be the one to talk to management if you’re scared. I’ll be the one to say “Hey, this isn’t right and it needs to be fixed”.

It’s not okay to be taken advantage of at work. It’s not okay to work in an environment that is unsafe. It’s not okay to be bullied or have your genuine concerns ignored.

I’ll always stick up for you because it’s the right thing to do, even if it makes me unpopular or people don’t like me. I’ll stick up for them too.

We all deserve to work in a place we feel comfortable and safe in.

I will always fight the good fight.

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