
I wish companies would allow more vacation days, especially in your first year with the company.

I’m about 10 months at my company, and, while I really love what I do, I wish I could take a long vacation. I’m trying to save half my days for next year, and even if I didn’t save any and used all 10 days right this second – it wouldn’t be long enough. Nor do I have the money for that long of a vacation. I’m just worn out in general (from a mixture of life things). Even the 15 days I get starting after my first full year doesn’t feel like enough. Does anyone else feel this way?

I’m about 10 months at my company, and, while I really love what I do, I wish I could take a long vacation. I’m trying to save half my days for next year, and even if I didn’t save any and used all 10 days right this second – it wouldn’t be long enough. Nor do I have the money for that long of a vacation. I’m just worn out in general (from a mixture of life things). Even the 15 days I get starting after my first full year doesn’t feel like enough. Does anyone else feel this way?

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