
i wonder what the historybooks will say about this decade

Inflation skyrocketing and with it the buying power of the average person is in free fall to the degree that people cant afford to drive to their slavers, and steal diapers. Yet another meaningless war, where tanks literally shot shells at europes biggest nuclear powerplant, not to mention the countless lives lost, rapes, pillages and destroyed infrastructure. Supplychaincrisis, where every single item gets delayed, so that corporations dont meet deadlines, have a slightly smaller profit, and therefore fires 10% of the workforce to keep profits rising for the few at the top (yes, im looking at you Musk). The death of our world, simply because its not yet profitable to “go green” as they say. “We will lose billions” they say. Somehow this is viewed as more important than not continuously fucking our planet to death. Per the information ive gathered America is one of the countries were this has…

Inflation skyrocketing and with it the buying power of the average person is in free fall to the degree that people cant afford to drive to their slavers, and steal diapers.

Yet another meaningless war, where tanks literally shot shells at europes biggest nuclear powerplant, not to mention the countless lives lost, rapes, pillages and destroyed infrastructure.

Supplychaincrisis, where every single item gets delayed, so that corporations dont meet deadlines, have a slightly smaller profit, and therefore fires 10% of the workforce to keep profits rising for the few at the top (yes, im looking at you Musk).

The death of our world, simply because its not yet profitable to “go green” as they say. “We will lose billions” they say. Somehow this is viewed as more important than not continuously fucking our planet to death.

Per the information ive gathered America is one of the countries were this has struck hardest, but its increasing at an exponential rate seemingly all over the world. I live in scandinavia, and “even here” its impossible to buy a house unless you do it with someone (still, will most likely need help from richer family members).

What will history say about this, in say 50-100 years time? When will “our” 1929 smite us with the vengeance of a thousand suns?

I work as a debt negotiator B2B, and the state of the economy is rapidly declining in my country. Businesses, small and large cant (or wont) pay for services they need to be functional. If they can pay, most of the time, a quick glassdoor search reveals subpar reviews from employees getting way underpaid. We are heading to economic disaster, which every single time, has countless consequenses for everyone but the superwealthy.

Tldr; title

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