
I work in social services and we have been short staffed and overworked for years

We worked through the entire pandemic in office except for a few experimental weeks at home, which obviously couldn't be done as we deal with the homeless, mentally unwell and dysfunctional families and its very paper and in person heavy. Compassion fatigue and burn out is rampant. They aren't filling vacancies. They changed my job on me a month ago, for the same pay. TOLD me what I'd be doing because we are short and i'm “so good at it”. I didn't want that job, i hate it, and I told them as much. I also have seniority. I went back to them 2 weeks ago to say I can't handle it, I'm overloaded, highly stressed, have my own medical issues I'm dealing with (waiting heart surgery), and I'm burnt out. My boss tells me she's a psychic. And can read what I'm thinking. Tells me to not even think…

We worked through the entire pandemic in office except for a few experimental weeks at home, which obviously couldn't be done as we deal with the homeless, mentally unwell and dysfunctional families and its very paper and in person heavy.
Compassion fatigue and burn out is rampant. They aren't filling vacancies.

They changed my job on me a month ago, for the same pay. TOLD me what I'd be doing because we are short and i'm “so good at it”. I didn't want that job, i hate it, and I told them as much. I also have seniority. I went back to them 2 weeks ago to say I can't handle it, I'm overloaded, highly stressed, have my own medical issues I'm dealing with (waiting heart surgery), and I'm burnt out.

My boss tells me she's a psychic. And can read what I'm thinking. Tells me to not even think about transfering, and that I cause my own stress and anxiety by being a perfectionist. I shut down after this because why bother. Then she called me cold and harsh. Ya'll, I almost punched her in the throat. I can tell my immune system is down as I get cold sores and feel fatigued.

We are unionized (and in Canada) but that means little. I'm considering a lengthy sick leave. I also just tested positive for covid with bad symptoms and she wanted photo proof of my test and expects me back on day 6 regardless of symptoms.

I love how I'm expected to have unlimited compassion and empathy for the people, and i'm a human punching bag or emotional sponge, but I can't need self care. I'm not allowed to need my own support for my own shit. Omg i wish I could afford to quit but I have 16 years in with good benefits and at the top of my pay scale. I won't make the same anywhere else and I'm already payday to payday as a single person in this economy. /end rant.

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