
I work in the UK and all our workforce has given up, is it just my company?

So I read a LOT about American workers who are taking action having been disenfranchised and I've only just realised that everyone but the upper crust of management at my company is the same. I work for a motorhomes manufacturer in their accounts department so I have direct access to the finances, I see how much we make per motor home including how much we flipped used ones for. Our manufacturing line is populated by guys trying to get by, I'm friends with a lot of them because we all sit in the car park and talk shop over cigarettes and such. They don't get PPE, they have no training and get berated when vans come out to a low finish. Guys have gotten injured, maimed etc but its all been brushed under the carpet. The factory is a death trap (I worked in a higher engineering job in aviation…

So I read a LOT about American workers who are taking action having been disenfranchised and I've only just realised that everyone but the upper crust of management at my company is the same.

I work for a motorhomes manufacturer in their accounts department so I have direct access to the finances, I see how much we make per motor home including how much we flipped used ones for.

Our manufacturing line is populated by guys trying to get by, I'm friends with a lot of them because we all sit in the car park and talk shop over cigarettes and such. They don't get PPE, they have no training and get berated when vans come out to a low finish. Guys have gotten injured, maimed etc but its all been brushed under the carpet. The factory is a death trap (I worked in a higher engineering job in aviation for a while…the difference is terrifying).

YET management approves the shoddily damaged and unfit vehicles and send them out not the labourers, they don't know any better. AND as I work in the accounts department I know ALL issues are claimed via some backwards underhanded way so we make no net loss, I think moreover its all we pay our staff so little that it balances out.

All of them are working 3-4 day weeks having only £40.00 for the days they're not working while I KNOW the CEO, FD and such have taken lucrative bonuses for cutting costs. I work a 5 day week because I have to see the money be moved around and christ its awful to see such low morale and newfound drug use on site because they've given up and middle management have given up too to the extent they turn a blind eye.

Is anyone else's UK workplace like this?

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