
I worked really hard on an emergency project just to be criticized

So I started a job at a new marketing firm almost 2 months ago. One key thing here is that we cannot keep employees. That last 2 people that we hired quit within the first 2 weeks. My boss doesn’t give any raises and he refuses to hire more people. We are a team of about 12 people, we just lost our marketing director of almost 3 years and my boss wants to absorb the position rather than hire someone new. So we are very understaffed. It is a decent opportunity for someone new out of college who’s eager to just make any money though. I work in customer support and communications but our designers are extremely busy. So I decided to try my hand at graphic design and make a prototype of the website using Canva that will be given to the programmer, which we needed to launch this…

So I started a job at a new marketing firm almost 2 months ago. One key thing here is that we cannot keep employees. That last 2 people that we hired quit within the first 2 weeks. My boss doesn’t give any raises and he refuses to hire more people. We are a team of about 12 people, we just lost our marketing director of almost 3 years and my boss wants to absorb the position rather than hire someone new. So we are very understaffed.

It is a decent opportunity for someone new out of college who’s eager to just make any money though. I work in customer support and communications but our designers are extremely busy. So I decided to try my hand at graphic design and make a prototype of the website using Canva that will be given to the programmer, which we needed to launch this change to our client site. I was really proud of how well I pulled that off in such a short amount of time, and the end result. However, I used my own Canva account made under my company email and my boss was like “NOw WhY wOuLD yOu dO thAt?!” “The cOmPaNY pAyS fOr a PrO aCcOuNt!” Which I still think that it will work for pro features, but that was all he was concerned about. When nobody had ever mentioned a company login to me when I brought up using the site. No mention about my work at all. It feels super discouraging.

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