
I yelled “Quit being a fucking bitch ” to an employee infront of a line of customers..

On mobile I'm one of the head managers in one of the most popular restaurants in my state. It is a family company and we promote within. I've worked hard hours and have taken the “constructive criticism ” over the years with a smile and that's why I am in the position I am in today. So, this girl has been working there for over a year. We have small riffs here and there, but our relationship is mostly good. She does get constant complaints from customers and other staff about the way she talks and treats people. She is the type to say she wants to stay, but then complains two hours into shift. She has to do a little extra work, it's all of a sudden “I'm the only one who does anything around here “. Just constantly shit like that. Her energy is rotten, toilet water energy.…

On mobile

 I'm one of the head managers in one of the most popular restaurants in my state. It is a family company and we promote within. I've worked hard hours and have taken the "constructive criticism " over the years with a smile and that's why I am in the position I am in today. 
So, this girl has been working there for over a year. We have small riffs here and there, but our relationship is mostly good. She does get constant complaints from customers and other staff about the way she talks and treats people. She is the type to say she wants to stay, but then complains two hours into shift. She has to do a little extra work, it's all of a sudden "I'm the only one who does anything around here ". Just constantly shit like that. Her energy is rotten, toilet water energy. 

Yesterday I just came into work, only there 20 min. The girl that came in before her was let go. Immediately as she's let go, homegirl comes to the other manager mad af and says “Why does she get to leave first?”….well she came in before you. I told her “Don't worry, you'll get a break too” after that her attitude dropped. I asked what was wrong and she went off in front of a line of people. I tried to talk to her but she just kept going. I couldn't take it anymore and just yelled at her to quit being a fucking bitch for once and learn to express herself as an adult.
I NEVER react this way, but at this point I'm exhausted of walking on eggshells around an employee who needs a fucking check.
Really what this is was the straw that broke the camels back. It has been constant shit like this. I watched the old managers have mental breakdowns in real time and said that could never be me, but here I am. Crying at work almost daily. Never having time off, can't enjoy being married because my husband and I have opposite schedules.
He makes enough money to support me with a job change, but I'm nervous to take the leap but I'm also just so, so unhappy with where I'm at. Idk what the next step is, but it needs to be for my mental health. I'm at the point of a mental breakdown. I have grown as much as I can in the company but it has began to take a toll on me and my outside life.

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