
Idk if this is the right place to post but I just have some concerns that maybe I can get feedback on.

I have been a car salesman for about 6 years but the dealership I worked for was not getting much product to sustain the sales staff. So I decided to look around. I started working for a company about 3 weeks ago and honestly it feels like a scam. They told me I’d be an at home credit repair salesman but that’s not at all what is going on. I’ve got coaches and trainers openly admitting to “selling” to homeless folks. 90+ year old men and women. People who need loans because they’re about to be evicted or lose their car. We started taking first calls this week and I got one of these customers on the phone and I was just flat out honest with them. Keeping your home is more important than what I’ve got to offer. My coach tells me that I can’t tell people that? So…

I have been a car salesman for about 6 years but the dealership I worked for was not getting much product to sustain the sales staff. So I decided to look around. I started working for a company about 3 weeks ago and honestly it feels like a scam. They told me I’d be an at home credit repair salesman but that’s not at all what is going on. I’ve got coaches and trainers openly admitting to “selling” to homeless folks. 90+ year old men and women. People who need loans because they’re about to be evicted or lose their car. We started taking first calls this week and I got one of these customers on the phone and I was just flat out honest with them. Keeping your home is more important than what I’ve got to offer. My coach tells me that I can’t tell people that? So guess what? I get written up and get a compliance violation. This has got to be illegal right? Theres no way these people really think “credit repair” is more important than someone preventing an eviction. And to top it off, any question the clients have we’ve been coached to say “that’s a great question for your legal team” There is no legal team. Every single client gets the same name of their attorney. There’s one man doing all this work? I’m sorry for such a long post. I’m just confused and angry and I feel like I’ve made a big mistake. What do you guys think?

TL:DR Work for a “credit repair” company but we don’t repair anything. We just convince people to buy a product that has a 0% guarantee. How is this not a scam?

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