
If anyone asked you to get up off your ass and do something for one hour how much would you ask for pay?

Five year old me would say $20. Current me would say $20 or more depending on the work. It is bizarrely insane that employers are rationing wages like they barely get by while publicly flaunting their profits. I'm getting gaslighting-elderly-parents-that-treat-their-adult-kids-like-toddler vibes from the global employer/government sector.

Five year old me would say $20. Current me would say $20 or more depending on the work. It is bizarrely insane that employers are rationing wages like they barely get by while publicly flaunting their profits.

I'm getting gaslighting-elderly-parents-that-treat-their-adult-kids-like-toddler vibes from the global employer/government sector.

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