
If Covid didn’t happen I’d be stuck in a low-paying job commuting to work

I made a huge career transition in 2019 which forced me to take a significant pay cut. I was freelancing before (and even though it wasn't stable, I made a pretty good living). But I wanted more stability. The employer knew this and definitely took advantage. Even though management was fairly nice, they were incredibly cheap. The 2 hour total commute was exhausting. Taking public transportation in one of the world's most crowded cities was no fun, being packed like a sardine during rush hour. I kept wishing I could work remotely, at least a few times a week. That was out of the question. It was strict 8-5 with 1 hour for lunch. When Covid hit we started working from home. I actually started working 10X harder, educating myself in the field and participating in community events. A recruiter contacted me based on some presentations I gave– a company…

I made a huge career transition in 2019 which forced me to take a significant pay cut. I was freelancing before (and even though it wasn't stable, I made a pretty good living). But I wanted more stability.

The employer knew this and definitely took advantage. Even though management was fairly nice, they were incredibly cheap. The 2 hour total commute was exhausting. Taking public transportation in one of the world's most crowded cities was no fun, being packed like a sardine during rush hour. I kept wishing I could work remotely, at least a few times a week. That was out of the question. It was strict 8-5 with 1 hour for lunch.

When Covid hit we started working from home. I actually started working 10X harder, educating myself in the field and participating in community events. A recruiter contacted me based on some presentations I gave– a company was interested in hiring me. I was able to almost double my salary (which was more in line with my experience and capabilities).

Covid was terrible for the world, but it really changed my life for the better. I was able to switch jobs, and recently move to another state with a lower cost of living and continue to work remotely.

This job is far from prefect, and the company has tons of political issues.

But I'm so grateful what I wished for every day happened. Now that things are coming back to normal, I am so happy I am able to work remotely- I get a full day's work done in 3-4 hours and can actually spend time with my kids and watch them grow up.

I was in a hamster wheel for a long time. But I always stayed positive and never complained. Finally, I have some kind of balance.

I think it's possible for all of us– but you have to work hard in the beginning to be trusted and build some kind credibility.

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