
If I don’t get a bonus I’m going to quit

So I started a new job back in December, and at first I loved it. It's a field I enjoy, the office culture is great, and there are a lot of benefits. However once the honeymoon phase was over there were a few red flags that jumped out at me. One of which is that the company does not do raises. Ever. I once talked to my supervisor about asking HR for a raise, because I was doing way more tasks than they initially hired me on for, and they were giving me the workload of 3 employees to avoid hiring on more people, but she immediately shut that idea down. In a different conversation she explained that instead of raises the company uses bonuses as an incentive. These bonuses are based on semi-annual employee reviews. I tried asking what criteria we were being reviewed on, but her answer was…

So I started a new job back in December, and at first I loved it. It's a field I enjoy, the office culture is great, and there are a lot of benefits. However once the honeymoon phase was over there were a few red flags that jumped out at me. One of which is that the company does not do raises. Ever.

I once talked to my supervisor about asking HR for a raise, because I was doing way more tasks than they initially hired me on for, and they were giving me the workload of 3 employees to avoid hiring on more people, but she immediately shut that idea down.

In a different conversation she explained that instead of raises the company uses bonuses as an incentive. These bonuses are based on semi-annual employee reviews. I tried asking what criteria we were being reviewed on, but her answer was very cagey. She did tell me that one area was attendance. She said that we were alloted 3-5 unexplained absences (sick days) per review period. She also wouldn't tell me the exact amount of sick days I was alloted.

This immediately sounded alarms off in my head. One of our benefits is that from the moment you start working there you start accruing PTO, and sick time. I'm only an entry level employee, but I've already earned way more than 5 days worth of sick time. To me it seems as if the company is giving this sick time in the hopes that the employees will use it, and not be eligible to recieve the bonus.

Not only is this an extremely shady business practice, but it's extremely disheartening to know that I could be working in the same position at this company for years, and never be making more than I do right now.

I really need this bonus in order to get a good start on some savings for my boyfriend and I to get a better place. I told him that if I don't recieve it I'm just going to quit, and find a higher paying job. He didn't seem enthused about that, but didn't argue.

Bottom line I was wondering if anyone else ever worked at a business that used bonuses instead of raises? Is this as shady as I think it is, or am I getting my panties in a twist over nothing?

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