
If I get in trouble for not staying past my scheduled shift do i have any way to fight back?

I live in ohio and have been working for a dominos for probably 2 or 3 months now. I only work Monday through Wednesday until 8 pm because that is the agreed on availability. My boss (not the person who hired me but a new guy that replaced him) keeps trying to force me to stay over even though i have other obligations. this has cost me money outside of work. today not only was i stuck waiting on one of the managers to cash me out for 45 min past my scheduled and available time but he got an attitude with me when i said if they expect me to show up on time every day, which i do, i expect to leave on time everyday. Well he did not seem to appreciate that and now I'm expecting retaliation. im honestly not super worried about being fired as there…

I live in ohio and have been working for a dominos for probably 2 or 3 months now. I only work Monday through Wednesday until 8 pm because that is the agreed on availability. My boss (not the person who hired me but a new guy that replaced him) keeps trying to force me to stay over even though i have other obligations. this has cost me money outside of work. today not only was i stuck waiting on one of the managers to cash me out for 45 min past my scheduled and available time but he got an attitude with me when i said if they expect me to show up on time every day, which i do, i expect to leave on time everyday. Well he did not seem to appreciate that and now I'm expecting retaliation. im honestly not super worried about being fired as there are a lot of jobs out here but in doing that he would be in the wrong and i would like to fight back. im getting mixed signals when i search for things online so im kinda hoping the hivemind here can make suggestions.

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