
If I get paid more, I will have less money. This system is broken.

I'm on Medicaid. I'm only a little below my state's income cutoff. Without Medicaid, the cost of my healthcare would be close to $3,000 at minimum per year when you factor in insurance premiums, the deductible, copays, etc. So needless to say, Medicaid is an absolute necessity for me. The thing is, I kind of hate my job. It's a “good” job. I like the company I work for, I have benefits. I'm just burned out and sick of spending my day dealing with rude patients. A new position just opened up in my company. It's right up my alley. Relevant experience for my field of study, less patient interaction. And apparently the pay is better though I don't know the exact amount. The pay rate is a problem. If I earn even a dollar over my state's cutoff, I lose my Medicaid. My employer could pay me a whole…

I'm on Medicaid. I'm only a little below my state's income cutoff. Without Medicaid, the cost of my healthcare would be close to $3,000 at minimum per year when you factor in insurance premiums, the deductible, copays, etc. So needless to say, Medicaid is an absolute necessity for me.

The thing is, I kind of hate my job. It's a “good” job. I like the company I work for, I have benefits. I'm just burned out and sick of spending my day dealing with rude patients.

A new position just opened up in my company. It's right up my alley. Relevant experience for my field of study, less patient interaction. And apparently the pay is better though I don't know the exact amount.

The pay rate is a problem. If I earn even a dollar over my state's cutoff, I lose my Medicaid. My employer could pay me a whole $2 an hour more than I earn now and I would have less money at the end of the day because of the cost of my healthcare.

I had to fight to convince my company to pay me the minimum starting rate for my current position. I don't understand why they wouldn't want to pay less so I can keep my Medicaid – we both would have more money. Win/win situation. But thanks to bureaucratic, corporate bullshit I may not have that option. I am literally stuck in a job I hate because the job I want pays too much which would actually make me poorer. I'm so sick of this stupid fucking broken, backwards healthcare system.

Oh, and the cost of literally everything has increased by like 1000% in the past year but the cutoff for Medicaid has increased only by like $70. So that's nice. I fucking hate it here.

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