
If only the American people knew where the value of the dollar came from.

If there was ever a way to force positive change for society, the first way to do it is recognizing that you, you the people are the ones that put value to said currency. If only farmers, police, nurses, teachers, doctors, construction, engineers, maintenance workers and so on all knew that the very currency they live and depend on is also the one element that could force change overnight. Without the middle-class and below, everything the ultra-wealthy own become obsolete unless they have assets. Granted, many do, that still doesn't change the fact from the matter that the real masters of this country would be stripped of their power and the source of it. The best part is, all anyone has to do is just stop working/buying. Create your own government, currency and financial/political system around laws that forever prevent the rampant infection caused by greed. It may not feel…

If there was ever a way to force positive change for society, the first way to do it is recognizing that you, you the people are the ones that put value to said currency. If only farmers, police, nurses, teachers, doctors, construction, engineers, maintenance workers and so on all knew that the very currency they live and depend on is also the one element that could force change overnight.

Without the middle-class and below, everything the ultra-wealthy own become obsolete unless they have assets. Granted, many do, that still doesn't change the fact from the matter that the real masters of this country would be stripped of their power and the source of it. The best part is, all anyone has to do is just stop working/buying. Create your own government, currency and financial/political system around laws that forever prevent the rampant infection caused by greed.

It may not feel like it and sure, if I decided I was going to stop working today and stop buying from Walmart, nothing would change right?

Let me ask you this:

Have any of you seen A Bug's Life?

Have any of you ever wondered if that movie was built for a reason?

The answer is yes because the one thing the greedy fear most beyond all measure is a unified country that understands the real truth of who's daddy here. No matter how you spin it, the wealthy will ALWAYS be dependent on YOU and YOUR spending. They'll ALWAYS be dependent on you showing up to work and creating their products and to appease their diseased mine, they pay you pennies to what you really deserve.

These people depend on everyone from the restaurant manager to the engineer so much, that they themselves don't even know it because they've never once saw their mountains of cash threatened by a unified populous that'd be content walking away and building over again by themselves.

The instance people banded together and opt for an independent government and currency of their own rather than that of a few wealthy fat cats in Washington DC will be the moment these people will be the poorest people to exist. The only thing they'll have are assets (like buildings). Everything else, especially money in their account, worthless. Imagine having $300 billion dollars in your account and knowing that all of that together times 1000 is still less than a new American penny.

I hate to say it though, but one way or another, as we go along, this will happen. The American people are a very tolerant folk that are resilient, modest and hard-working and when enough is a enough, I highly doubt the fat cat from DC will come stumbling in telling yall what to do. Greedy fat cats don't understand how to plow a field, farm, raise live-stock or mine ore. They've developed their ego and lifestyle around keeping you down and despite being as humble as one could be, their madness will always push for more.

The day the American people all together walk from this system and start their own government will be the day this world will literally change for the better.

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