
If raising wages did in fact raise prices (eg McDonalds paying 20/hr): Why exactly is that a bad thing?

To me it seems like having a Big Mac cost 14 dollars or whatever would actually be a good thing. All of these mega-corporations come to town and undercut the prices of basically all of the small businesses, eventually resulting in small businesses shutting down. Around where I live, there are dozens of small towns with all but deserted main streets, while the strip mall outside town with the same 20 big corporate chains (McDonalds, Taco Bell, Walmart, Target, etc) seem to do just fine, employing most of the town at as low a wage as they can get away with (shareholders need those profits and low operating expenses!). It seems like if the large multi-billion dollar corporations were forced to pay their employees a proper wage, perhaps one proportionate to their profits, it would only help small businesses as it would make shopping at these mega-corporations less appealing (why…

To me it seems like having a Big Mac cost 14 dollars or whatever would actually be a good thing.

All of these mega-corporations come to town and undercut the prices of basically all of the small businesses, eventually resulting in small businesses shutting down. Around where I live, there are dozens of small towns with all but deserted main streets, while the strip mall outside town with the same 20 big corporate chains (McDonalds, Taco Bell, Walmart, Target, etc) seem to do just fine, employing most of the town at as low a wage as they can get away with (shareholders need those profits and low operating expenses!).

It seems like if the large multi-billion dollar corporations were forced to pay their employees a proper wage, perhaps one proportionate to their profits, it would only help small businesses as it would make shopping at these mega-corporations less appealing (why pay 14 dollars for a shitty McDonalds burger when Joes Local Burgers down the street sells excellent locally sourced fresh burgers for the same 14 dollars?).

And besides, with those higher wages, people could actually afford to shop locally instead of being financially limited to only be able to afford the cheapest+lowest quality products and food – which, by the way, those cheap products conveniently happen to be provided exclusively by those massive billion dollar corporations that pay them a shit wage in the first place.

So yeah…give me 20/hr “burger flippers” and 14 dollar Big Macs so I have more financial incentive to choose a local restaurant instead. Take away the convenience of cheap crappy products and food. Make small businesses competitive again

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