
If they like that you have restaurant experience do not take the job!

I left the restaurant Industry because of the close-open schedules, lack of breaks, the pressure to always be working at max capacity. When a business says they like that you have previous restaurant experience PROCEED WITH EXTREME CAUTION, THEY LIKE THAT YOU PUT UP WITH POOR WORKING CONDITIONS! I went back to college because I was sick of this mindset. I got a job after that is supposed to be a stepping stone to the final job I want. I worked a similar job description for less pay and in a slightly different direction while in school. Last job encouraged breaks, provided plenty of snacks, didn't care if we did all our work and played on our phone or even played boardgames together till the end of our shift as long as everything was done. Boy was I wrong thinking this job would be similar….they expect us to work nonstop…

I left the restaurant Industry because of the close-open schedules, lack of breaks, the pressure to always be working at max capacity. When a business says they like that you have previous restaurant experience PROCEED WITH EXTREME CAUTION, THEY LIKE THAT YOU PUT UP WITH POOR WORKING CONDITIONS!

I went back to college because I was sick of this mindset. I got a job after that is supposed to be a stepping stone to the final job I want. I worked a similar job description for less pay and in a slightly different direction while in school. Last job encouraged breaks, provided plenty of snacks, didn't care if we did all our work and played on our phone or even played boardgames together till the end of our shift as long as everything was done. Boy was I wrong thinking this job would be similar….they expect us to work nonstop and if we don't have work we have to start deep cleaning but they're understaffed so that doesn't happen much. People don't take their breaks and most don't even stop for water. We're expected to be “on-call” (no extra pay) and come in the middle of the night for hours if needed then work the next morning.

I'm leaving as soon as something better comes up. Learn from my mistake. As much as a 25% pay increase was nice I regret this. I don't mind 12 hour shifts which happens in my field but working 8 hours, coming back 6 hours later and then going home for 4 hours just to come back in is not it.

Thanks for listening to my rant.

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