
If Unionisation is the best way to protect worker’s rights, why is membership so damn expensive?

I'm from the UK. I have seen the recent rail and British Airways strikes, plus the wave of calls to unionize coming from Amazon and Starbucks in America, and had a swell of “maybe we can change things for the better together”. To my dismay however, I checked out one of the popular unions (Unite) and found the monthly membership costs to be out of my reach currently. Now you may think £15 per month (~$18 for the Americans out there) isn't much, but it is when you don't actually have £15 to spare (I know, I know, too much avocado toast. I really need to cut down). I just find it interesting that even when looking at joining a union there are still barriers to entry. Seems to go against the “Apes together, Strong” type sentiments that are supposedly the backbone of unionization and banding together to show big…

I'm from the UK. I have seen the recent rail and British Airways strikes, plus the wave of calls to unionize coming from Amazon and Starbucks in America, and had a swell of “maybe we can change things for the better together”.

To my dismay however, I checked out one of the popular unions (Unite) and found the monthly membership costs to be out of my reach currently. Now you may think £15 per month (~$18 for the Americans out there) isn't much, but it is when you don't actually have £15 to spare (I know, I know, too much avocado toast. I really need to cut down).

I just find it interesting that even when looking at joining a union there are still barriers to entry. Seems to go against the “Apes together, Strong” type sentiments that are supposedly the backbone of unionization and banding together to show big corporate how much power workers actually have.

I'm not saying membership should be free necessarily. And I do know there are certain membership types for certain categories of workers, non of which I'd fall under. Just seems counterintuitive to the goal of unions that some are unable to join through lack of resources.

Anyway just thought I'd get that off my chest.

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