
If you can’t afford to strike, is it feasible to mass organise the non-payment of taxes?

Striking requires you and all your friends to be able to support yourself for long enough for it to work. Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck so they can't strike – The same Americans who need to strike most. Would arranging to openly and vocally tax dodge in large enough numbers, with a set of demands (roe v Wade reinstatement, minimum wage hike, etc) be a viable alternative?

Striking requires you and all your friends to be able to support yourself for long enough for it to work. Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck so they can't strike – The same Americans who need to strike most.

Would arranging to openly and vocally tax dodge in large enough numbers, with a set of demands (roe v Wade reinstatement, minimum wage hike, etc) be a viable alternative?

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