
If you know anyone who praises capitalism or is one of these “bootstrap” fuckers who think you just have to “work hard” and “stop eating avocado toast,” ask them this one simple question:

“How does the game of monopoly end?” Thats it. Thats the end of the argument. ONE PERSON OWNS EVERYTHING. Only theres no free parking, theres no “Go that gives you $200.” People cant afford their rent anymore, hitting that tax or luxury tax square literally fucks you up. You have to start mortgaging all your shit just to stay in the game, and even that is temporary. “Chance” is the equivalent of people living paycheck to paycheck and having your car break down or some shit. Once in awhile you get something decent from it, but most of the time it fucks you. Theres only a few things monopoly is missing. Medical Debt and Student loan debt. Seriously we are getting horrendously close to the end of real life monopoly. But dont worry guys, stop eating avocado toast and getting $14 margaritas and you'll be JUST FINE

“How does the game of monopoly end?”

Thats it. Thats the end of the argument. ONE PERSON OWNS EVERYTHING. Only theres no free parking, theres no “Go that gives you $200.” People cant afford their rent anymore, hitting that tax or luxury tax square literally fucks you up. You have to start mortgaging all your shit just to stay in the game, and even that is temporary. “Chance” is the equivalent of people living paycheck to paycheck and having your car break down or some shit. Once in awhile you get something decent from it, but most of the time it fucks you. Theres only a few things monopoly is missing. Medical Debt and Student loan debt. Seriously we are getting horrendously close to the end of real life monopoly. But dont worry guys, stop eating avocado toast and getting $14 margaritas and you'll be JUST FINE

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