
If you love what you do, what exactly makes you happy?

If you love what you do, can you tell us what it is? I'm about to embark on a whole new journey soon; one where I'll be going to graduate school, and I just recently started a new job-role as well. I figure I should be happy, I'm working in what I studied and I'm furthering my education. But something about it, I can't shake off. The fact that I'm working and will continue this way 40-hours a week, for the next odd-some how-ever many years of my life. I just can't shake the feeling that this is all life has to offer? If you love what you do, can you share what that is that makes you happy?

If you love what you do, can you tell us what it is?

I'm about to embark on a whole new journey soon; one where I'll be going to graduate school, and I just recently started a new job-role as well. I figure I should be happy, I'm working in what I studied and I'm furthering my education.

But something about it, I can't shake off. The fact that I'm working and will continue this way 40-hours a week, for the next odd-some how-ever many years of my life.

I just can't shake the feeling that this is all life has to offer?

If you love what you do, can you share what that is that makes you happy?

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