
If you work in the US you probably DO NOT HAVE A “SALARY”

The point of a salary, or an “annual income” used to be that certain specialized workers would be given pay based on an annual rate. Jobs that had inconsistent work, but still needed to be kept around in a business, would be provided this because everyone needs to eat every month but the work isn't always there. Sometimes people would have to work more hours in a week and sometimes people would work less, and that was factored in. Flash forward to 2022, me and all my coworkers collect a “salary” given in an annual rate which is liable to be docked if we take more than 5 vacation days in a row (to be approved by HR based on 'company needs'). Meanwhile people are constantly devaluing their pay by performing unpaid overtime to meet “deadlines”. I have been overly focused on my coworker, who I actually got hired, while…

The point of a salary, or an “annual income” used to be that certain specialized workers would be given pay based on an annual rate. Jobs that had inconsistent work, but still needed to be kept around in a business, would be provided this because everyone needs to eat every month but the work isn't always there. Sometimes people would have to work more hours in a week and sometimes people would work less, and that was factored in.

Flash forward to 2022, me and all my coworkers collect a “salary” given in an annual rate which is liable to be docked if we take more than 5 vacation days in a row (to be approved by HR based on 'company needs'). Meanwhile people are constantly devaluing their pay by performing unpaid overtime to meet “deadlines”.

I have been overly focused on my coworker, who I actually got hired, while she continues to work unpaid overtime on projects that everyone else is fucking off on and dragging their feet, and has taken on a reactionary “no one wants to work” mentality. She's extremely easy to agitate these days because the company continues to refuse to hire anyone to our department (which is composed of 2 people after our manager literally left for another company). But the situation is complicated because she's probably just frustrated and confused and lashing out at people who have realized hard work isn't rewarded in this country.

I just hope when I finally GTFO she doesn't join in with the cacophony of people salty I'm bailing from a sinking ship.

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