I see this quite often, high end retail stores and restaurants that charge extremely high prices for 'luxury' or brand name goods.
They pay their staff the same piss poor rates you see in fast-food and Walmart.
So, if the price isn't going towards ensuring the highest pay and quality sales service possible, or manufacturing (cause sweatshops), or materials (bulk ordering) then what the fuck are you actually charging people for?
They charge you a premium for 'high quality service' and then DON'T PAY THEIR STAFF FOR IT themselves.
That Prada store that only has, like, 4 things in stock and they're all $5000+? Yeah, the staff is making the same as people in Kmart selling $5 shirts.
The waiter bringing someone a $200 steak will never be able to eat one themselves.
These places have an extremely high standard of service, making huge demands on their staff to keep a certain appearance and tone, yet won't fucking pay them for it.
You can't sell yourself to us as 'elite' when your staff can't even afford an appetiser. There's nothing elite about slavery.
Stop buying stuff, don't touch brands, shop local and only get what you Need, most items that target your 'wants' and emotions are useless.
Seriously changing the work culture needs to be done from both directions, both as workers and as customers.
Edit* also adding to this all businesses, not just 'high end', if your fast-food meal costs more than the hourly rate paid to staff (see a post about In n Out on the front page right now) then that business should be boycotted.
They're not just ripping off their staff at that point, they're also ripping you off as a customer.