
I’m 28 and had a million and a half jobs but never got laid lol

Never finished college . So yea, I've been …let's see ….camp counselor, cashier, donut maker, burger maker, cleaned human shit off the floors of bathrooms, dishwasher, bar porter, worked in several different factories (and one of them gave me tinnitus from constant saw noise), done roofing, drywalling, pole barn building, and currently dig ditches and other assorted miserable shit for 12 bucks an hour. I was an ugly duckling nerd so of course I would only be good enough for the shit work right (it's the pretty, well adjusted guys who finish college and get pussy). And the boomers are still tellin me I don't work hard enough and it's all about money and to throw away the next five yrs for my job when I've already missed out on everything good about your teens and 20s, namely friends and girls and getting some action and seeing different places. I…

Never finished college . So yea, I've been …let's see ….camp counselor, cashier, donut maker, burger maker, cleaned human shit off the floors of bathrooms, dishwasher, bar porter, worked in several different factories (and one of them gave me tinnitus from constant saw noise), done roofing, drywalling, pole barn building, and currently dig ditches and other assorted miserable shit for 12 bucks an hour. I was an ugly duckling nerd so of course I would only be good enough for the shit work right (it's the pretty, well adjusted guys who finish college and get pussy). And the boomers are still tellin me I don't work hard enough and it's all about money and to throw away the next five yrs for my job when I've already missed out on everything good about your teens and 20s, namely friends and girls and getting some action and seeing different places. I could still finish my degree but I don't even know if it's worth it at this point. I am dead on my feet. I feel like I've been used totally and I'm fuckin spent and so depressed I feel like killing myself all the time. So yea, if you're a youngn, learn from my pain, my child. Live life. Life's too short and precious to not live in the moment. Money comes and goes it's printed every day.

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